When you leave a fig too long and it goes off and it has bacteria.
The rotten figs smell like poo.
Similar to the dirty sanchez but not just the remnants, it must be deliberately thick like Charlie Chaplin’s stache. See also a more aggressive version of the stinky hitler
Lexy was being a jabroni so I gave her a rotten charlie!
When you discover that your boat has rotten wood stern of the hull that is a culmination of your poor life choices.
Its no wonder Marks' got a migrane today, he's got a rotten transom...
Is when ur witch is so mangled that she can be called this. However, the person saying this literally worships the ground she walks on and loves her.
Omg Lucy is such an Old broken crippled bent wonky stupid rotten crusty witch that I would get on my hands and knees to worship her.
The mischievous, notorious arch nemesis of Sportacus in Lazy Town, played by Stèfan Karl Stefánsson. Famous for the hit single "We Are Number One".
It is also used as a name for someone very mentally ill to the point where they act like they are a supervillain, and steal things from others on purpose for attention.
Mike: Dude, Josh became a Robbie Rotten.
Rich: Yikes.