To be aligned with not only yourself through most all senses an even vibrations tune one's minds together all together universally fully aligning ones insights to hindsight giving one the ultimate feel of security configuration an senses of confidence beyond measurement..
I once was lost ultimately without tune or harmony God seemed upset to see one with so much passion he unconsciously tuned the mind of the weary traveler an the traveler lived on no longer burdened by the thoughts an fear of the unknown leaving him,,,happily blessed..
Forgetting a song almost directly after hearing it. Most cases found in video-games.
I was playing PROTOTYPE 2 the other day and I could not remember any music for the life of me. I must suffer from a case of Tune-nesia.
A song, either on a guy's MP3 player or CD, that is played within a group of male friends. This song is either a love or sad song. Usually these songs are played in a car. Since the guy who has the song on the MP3 player or the CD is confined by his group of friends, the friends will ridicule him. The song does not necessarily have to be fruity itself, but the fact that the guy is playing it in a car filled with his friends will automatically make it fruity.
*I Don't Want To Miss A Thing comes on*
Jeremy- Hahahaha you're seriously playing this song right now?!
Trevor- Dammit! Another fruity tune came on...
Derek- It's okay buddy. It's not like you're getting laid anytime soon anyways.
A lopsided matchup, especially at the beginning of the college football season in which you are almost guaranteed to win just to give the smaller school money in exchange for player experience and a win.
Bro we just played a tune-up against this trash team.
A amazing editors who is very nice to others!
I love the user on Tik Tok! They are so kind and made me an edit.
Something post Malone used too much of
Post Malone: Hey turn up the auto tune
Producer: it’s all the way up and I have 3 different auto tuners running to auto tune your voice all the way up!
Post Malone: oh
when you buy an itune based on the short 30 second snippet on itunes.. and discover it actually sucks.
You: i just got the new Alien Sex Fiend tune and it sounded good in the part they play on itunes -- Itunes left out the screechy woman part.
Him: total lie-tune