Source Code


The step before dating, usually at this stage both people are aware they like each other but choose to get to know each other/flirt first. Probably the cutest and funnest stage.

WARNING: lack of official relationship may cause one of the people involved in tuning to believe dating/hooking up/tuning with others is acceptable.

cameron: "oi bra, who you tuning?"
jake: "hey man, that new chick kirsty"
cameron: "aw yeah she's real hot! but what happened to jess?"
jake: "still got her, tunin = freedom"

by realies July 26, 2011

498πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž


Chatting up in a flirtatious manner to advance towards a sexual or romantic relationship

Me: He cheated on me.
My mate: With who?
Me: I don't know, he was tuning some random girls on Tinder...
My mate: Looks like a fuckboi, talks like a fuckboi, is a fuckboi.

by Killossal April 1, 2017

1872πŸ‘ 647πŸ‘Ž


the process that comes before getting into a chicks pants. also can be the process of flirting

Guy 1: what are you doing man?
Guy 2: fuck all, just tuning this bitch

by skatman May 25, 2003

590πŸ‘ 230πŸ‘Ž


Changing your car's appearance to enhance it (in your eyes) - ranges from lame dasher frills and spoilers to reboared cylinders and rechipped injection circuits. It's supposed to make your car go (or just look) faster.

The proud owner of a tuned car won't likely sell it to anyone else.

by Zdenek August 20, 2004

116πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž


Whats said to the most beautiful chick in the world

by Anonymous November 5, 2003

42πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž


The discretization of space by consciousness.

Tuning proffers that consciousness "tunes" the uncountable nature of space.

by metawave April 7, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

In Tune

Knowing What’s Going On

β€œThey Planning On An Indictment”
β€œI Been In Tune”

by NYLINGO101 November 24, 2019