Joe VF is a straight up overwatch loving nerd - in a good way. He plays ps4 24/7. He has a 77 inch Pp but doesn't know how to interact with bitches. Joe has blonde hair and blue eyes, but isnt a nazi. Joe doesn't swear and gets peng grades in school. Joe is below average height but could easily knock anyone out with his karate skills. Joe has eyebrow game for days.
Joe van falier is epic, I love his girth and charisma
A common office prank where you put your dick in someones cup of coffee.
Hey bro! Why'd you put your John in my Joe?
THE MAN who makes the move to takes care of the monthly windows on envelops, in the widows mailbox.
Cajun Joe Da Grinder iis everywhere....... supermarket, church, neighborhood.....just waiting for 'your daddy' to kill over.
A relative or close friend who is' homeless' and or jobless due to constant exotic travel to foreign destinations.
Bob - "Hey Jack, wanna hang out?'
Jack - "Oh sorry, Uncle Joe Hobo is in town visiting right now."
"My brother is an Uncle Joe Hobo. He was in Paris last week and today is in Shanghai."
When you come really hard and have diarrhea at the same time
The sex was really good, but then my body realized that I'd had too much Taco Bell. So, yeah, when I came it was a sloppy joe nut.
An absolute state of rage of the highest order. Going H.A.M. on steroids.
That guy was messing with my girl and kicked my dog. Hold my beer, I'm Going Joe Tokyo on this fool.
The lead singer of Green Day. who has all the good looks.
Oh Billie Joe Armstrong is so pretty.