It's like rick rolling some one, but with The Rocks' feature in "Face Off."
Friend: OMG! Is that a rock roll?
You: Bro, wtf is a rock roll?
when i trick u until listening to Face Off
Its about drive it about power
It's sort of like rickrolling someone, but with Dwayne Johnson's verse in Face Off.
Person 1: Have you heard Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's verse in the hit song 'Face Off' ?
Person 2: It’s about drive 💪 it’s about power ⚡️ We stay hungry 🤤 we DEVOUR 🍗 Put in the work 🏋️ ♀️ put in the hours ⏰ And take what’s ours 😟 Black and Samoan in my veins 😤 My culture bangin with strange 🤪 I change the game so what’s my motherfucking name?? 🤩 R O C K 😩 Desecration 🥳 Defamation 😖 If you wanna bring it to the masses 🤓 Face to face 🥶 now we escalatin’ 🤯 When I have to put boots to asses 😳 Mean on ya 😱 like a dream when I’m rumbling 🤥 you’re gonna scream mama 🥱 so bring drama to the King Brahma 🤠 Comin at you with extreme mana 😹
Lmao get Rock ROLLED
When a skank looking girl rolls her eyes at you.
Bitch…don’t ho roll me when I’m talking to you!
Slut, I know you ain’t ho rolling me!
A Balkan inspired meat roll which mainly consists of Lepinja bread, pork and beef Kebapi cooked on a BBQ, Zelka Salata (cabbage salad), chopped onions and Ajvar. Sour cream is an optional condiment also.
Wow, that wog roll is delicious.
A breakfast pastry, usually consisting of a biscuit filled with sausage and cheese and rolled into a ball. Originating from Pike County Arkansas.
I sure am hungry for a jack roll right now!
What kind of cheese is inside that jack roll?
I made a big stupid newbie mistake
I made such a big mistake it was like I had rolled in blonde.