When your squad goes to a public bathroom and begin urinating at the same time, creating a loud urination noise.
After the movie Tiko and his buddies went to the bathroom and began a firing squad.
Firing Squad (verb): The act of playing loud porn to mask the sounds of you having sex, so that your roommates can sleep soundly not knowing which is which.
Hey me and Ashley are about to bone, we're starting a Firing Squad though, goodnight.
NO JOKE HELP CALL 702-374-2830
joke don't call that
me: oh, go AWAY then
woman: call 702-374-2830 for free pizza
me: oh
me: *get free pizza*
me: yumm
when something is the pinnacle of it's category not even lit or fire is enough to describe it
that is straight 'Boyne Bakery Fire'
⏃ dumb bitch that is homophobic
⟟ said what are your pronouns and fire said fire/hydrant
The exotic sex position is found only deep within the borders of Guatemala. It involves a man, a woman, and six spotters of either gender. The move begins with a small fire that must be put out only by fluids found within body, I don't know much more but I heard a 36 foot rope and a small diary are also involved.
The Guatemalan fire drill is a position commonly found in the move-set of Shainal Friedman
"You're fired!" is a comedic line from the popular children show "Regular Show."
This line is mostly said by Benson Dunwoody who's a park manager who makes sure everyone gets their job done correctly but the characters Mordecai and Rigby always cause destruction .
This line shows frustration and anger when his workers "Mordecai and Rigby" screw up at a simple job like setting up the chairs
The punchline is that they never actually get fired.
Mordecai: aw come, bro
Benson: I am not your bro! NOW CLEAN UP THIS MESS OR "YOU'RE FIRED"