The idea of pissing on the lid is when you literally say fuck it, and you do something in an unorthadox manner. It is a method of explaining how an act performed where not a single fuck was given.
"I couldn't find a parking spot, so I decided to piss on the lid and parked in the fire lane with my flashers on"
When you going commando and you have to piss. Some rolls out like a Cadillac.
Man, I had to piss so bad and I was cammando, that shit rolled out like a cadillac pissing!
What you do when you dont want to wear diaper you be pissing yourself
Yo mate i was pissing myselfin bed then my girl noticed and she left me
pissing myself is another slang for making lemonade, sometimes u can add diffrent colors to make it red 🤷🏽
"im pissing myself, want some?"
"yes! ill take it will ice too"
when you and a female engage in sexual intercourse and they are so ran through that when you go to relieve yourself in the bathroom it feels as you may be “pissing magma”
if you and “her” have sex you’ll for sure be pissing magma the next day.
when your piss is frozen and when you do the thang your piss becomes crystallized and stuck to your dick