A person who complains or is an asshole to those around them, yet when called out or is met with a retaliation to their behavior, will whine like a little bitch and run away.
Person 1) Man this guy sure is an asshole
Person 2) Every time we out him he gets upset
Person 1) What a little bitch chicken
an exclamation used in Smash when you get hit by Samus charge shot
fucking chicken nugget! not that move again!
A fried chicken skank is a female women who will fuck a man mainly because they both have KFC buckets of chicken
Guy: we both have buckets of chicken wanna do it?
Fried chicken skank: sure
A warehouse in china were thousands of Asian woman are performing sexual intercourse 24/7 while doing so it sounds like and i quote a "Chinese Chicken Coop"
"Bro I stopped by this Chinese chicken coop yesterday and that s*** was lit as F****!"
"Owning or coming within 500ft of a Chinese chicken coop in the United States is highly illegal and very dangerous"
mom"what do you want for supper"
me"macaroni and the chicken strips uhhhhhhh"
This expression became a term of encouragement after the following exchange in a live New York local Fox News broadcast at the end of the weather report.
Ernie: "It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast, Nick."
Nick Gregory: "Well, I guess that's me!"
Ernie: "Keep fucking that chicken."
The first line is a parody of a commercial for Perdue chicken from the 1970's, in which Frank Perdue uttered the tag line, "It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken." "Keep fucking that chicken" was the punchline of a joke of the same time about how Perdue did it.
Way to go, buddy. Keep fucking that chicken!
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Roll up to the window of a fast food drive-thru after placing an order, look the worker in the eye, reach out your twenty dollar bill and don't let go. Begin counting to yourself "one one thousand.. two one thousand.." If the worker breaks the chain first, take your time and double it (ie 30sec x 2 = 60 points). If you break first, then there's no multiplier (30sec = 30 pts).
If the worker cracks a smile at any point, immediately let go, smile and say "you are appreciated." The multiplier for a smiling employee is x5 (ie 30sec x 5 = 150). Operation drive-thru chicken is not about annoying drive-thru workers, but about reminding them you appreciate them standing on their feet for 8 hours making less than Indonesian child laborers, just so you can pay 99 cents for a burger, you cheap f---.
The next day is round 2. If it's the same worker, wave and drive past - forget it, man. Unless you like a burger with extra spit after they used it in their lunchtime broom hockey tournament? If you go through with it, then multiply total score by an x5 danger multiplier (ie 30sec x 2 x 5 = 300). When you get to the E.R., try to at least get the word salmonella out so they have something to go on.
Extra credit: Have your passenger record video for posterity. Add 100 points to total your score.
See also: toll booth chicken, driver's license chicken
"Hey Eddie, I'm starving, man. Let's go to mickey's and play some drive-thru chicken!"
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