When you do something that was undeserving of any praise, but you still got a desirable outcome. Whether it be by luck or at another’s misfortune. (“Mickey” is usually used when playing a competitive game with others)
Mickey Mouse = Friendly, which is something you don’t want to be seen as when competing against someone
Getting a star from a hidden block in Mario Party would be a “mickey” star since it was luck that it appeared.
Getting a “god hand” in Mario Kart
91👍 3👎
When you magically pull something off, typically in gaming, that shouldn’t have happened; as if you were in a Disney show.
Mark: Whoever won last time got a Mickey. That’s all I’m gonna say.
141👍 10👎
A Mickey is a strong, reliable, selfless, sweet and loving person who knows a lot of people but is close with very few. Mickeys are a blast to hang around, but take it too far once in a while. Although they can be crazy, they are also crazy sweet, and are always there for their friends if they need to be, regardless of what they're going through or how it would affect them. Mickeys tend to be kinda tall, slender and attractive. A Mickey is a precious baby and the cootest doot. While they may say they don't need someone when they're upset, they always appreciate support and are always there to return the kindness. Mickeys make the best friends and are amazing at photography and art. I love Mickeys. ♡♡
Man, I wish I was strong like a Mickey.
142👍 76👎
A 375 milliliter bottle of hard liquor, usually 80 proof or higher. Famous consumers of mickeys include Pino Bgold,and other members of the Gooners.
"Man, that mickey sure did the trick last night"
"Never again will I ever underestimate the untamed power of a mickey"
306👍 180👎
A smart, but not average Man. Very Hot and smooth, clean cut looking. And usually has a huge nice cock.
Girl 1: I had sex with Mickey last night
Girl 2: Did he have a big dick??
Girl 1: Of course he's Mickey
594👍 450👎
A GIRL can either act or be mickey basically if she is a bitch
Ex) Guy1-Ay you still talk to Amber?
Guy2-Yea,but lately she been actin mickey
Ex)Guy1-Hey man do you know that girl over there?..
Guy2-Oh yea don't fuck with her that bitch is so fuckin mickey
192👍 164👎
Mickey is the most handsome, amazing, nice, sweet, kind-hearted, cute,innocent, funny guy ever. He’s a gentleman and will make your heart beat x10 faster. If you’re cold he will give you his sweatshirt, and you can be yourself around him. He doesn’t care if you’re cool and he’s a total sweetheart. I love him
Person: Ugh i could really use a Mickey to cheer me up...
8👍 10👎