A building in which tacos are created. When the tacos are complete but uneaten, dump trucks put the tacos into the garbage, wherein they are converted to cornbread. See also cornbread factory.
"I toured a taco factory on Taco Tuesday and ate tons of samples. I am stuffed!"
When you penetrate a woman’s anal cavity, pull it out with poop on it, and then slim into her pussy hole.
While having anal sex, Allison begged Kevin to pull his dick out, and screamed “CHOCO MY TACO”!!!
Checking out women at the club.
I'm going taco scouting with the guys.
A "Jeff Taco" Is usually very bad at grand theft auto they have small pens.
when you perform a steaming carl in the midst of the stomach flu...
Man, she wanted the steaming carl but when it came out, yup, taco steamer, all liquid.
When a woman queefs under the blanket, then puts the blanket over someone's head.
Kind of like a "dutch oven".
She gave me a taco teepee last night, it was fowl.