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the olds

The humorous conditions that naturally occur with aging. Examples include forgetfulness and clumsiness.

My father has a severe case of the olds.

by fmm3 November 10, 2022

old people homes

A death trap to everyone in it. they live there to die and there nothing to gain and everything to lose all they want is money. Also they use the dead old people in there food. So if you ever go into an old people home be carful and stay in the living room so you don't die

grandpa is gonna die in that old people homes

by innit bruv 69420 December 15, 2021

the old punching bag

Is a term that refers to the male genitals

Joe got kicked in the old punching bag

by Yeoldjokster January 25, 2016

the old shoe trick

when you pull out of a girl before you cum then go in her shoe. Promptly kick her out so she has your cum all over her foot!

Dude you gave her the old shoe trick? yeah man she walked home in my jizz!

by c_poynter50 July 3, 2011

Old balls

When your old and your balls hang very low almost to the point where they drag on the floor.

Many people call Scott old balls

by Tman27 April 13, 2019

Old Balls

When your ball sack can touch your butthole

Holy shit, Sean Paddy Murphy has old balls! They’re going into his asshole!!!

by Old Balls Murphy November 18, 2023

Old Ball

Jerry West
Someone who is old as fuck
Someone who smokes and drinks coffee

Holy shit you are old balls

by Ronjr1255 March 10, 2021