Noun. A glass pipe sometimes called a oil burner that is sold at nearly every indian owned hood store and is used for smoking ice or crystal methamphetamine. The term bowl has been used for century's as name for a glass marijuana pipe whose contents are directly heated with a flame. The roll bowl is also glass but the contents in its liquid form is rolled back and forth across the heated glass instead of being heated directly.
Hey man can I borrow your bowl a min? No not the weed bowl, the roll bowl.
The art of gently cradling and rolling one’s gentleman’s sausage back and forth in the palms of one’s hands during a shower, ensuring a thorough yet oddly therapeutic cleanse. Often accompanied by deep introspection, awkward eye contact with the shampoo bottle.
"Bro, I walked in on Dave in the locker room, and he was full-on pork rolling like he was kneading dough. I can’t unsee it."
One who is so fat that they are commonly referred to as a “Body Roll”
Guy1: this guy is fat asf
Guy2: ye tbh nigga really lookin like a body roll
When one is masturbating Pinch the end of your penis which will then allow you to empty the contents into the toilet or basin.
Kurt did not have a tissue so he used tuck and roll to empty it into the sink. Creating less mess
Tuck and roll
When have a wank and need to get rid of the contents. Pinch the end of your Pennis and then roll your jizz in the toilet
Adrian wanted to finish his wank but did not have a container. So he pinched the end of his Pennis and rolled when to the bathroom to Empty tuck and roll
When In the position of doggy style while in the girl and performing a roll whilst staying inside the girl and ejaculating
Hey girl can I perform the “tuck and roll” on you
The Tuck and Roll Method is an act of a human male renting a hotel room, ejaculating under the sheets, then rolling around to wipe it off. The bed is then made and the male exits the hotel.
Yeah man, I just used the Tuck and Roll.