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Any time you pedal as fast as you can while on a bike. Also, while you are "bike-sprinting", you do not change gears. This makes it different from just racing.

If you were trying to elude a wild man-eating dog that rips your shirt all the time you would probably us your bike to get away at high speed. Going as fast as you could would be bike-sprinting.

by Sean n Larenzo May 7, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Town Bike

A female who gets ridden by all comers (cummers). The word "comers" is a double entendre also meaning "cummers" - semen ejaculators.

A female who pedals (peddles) her ass around town or who is pedalled (peddled) around town. The word "pedal" is a double entendre also meaning "peddle" - to sell.

Almost everyone has ridden the/that Town Bike. The Town Bike is a joy ride. The Town Bike is pedalled (peddled) all over town.

by Golem April 16, 2006

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Bike Nazi

Bike Nazis are city nerds who show up in rural areas with urban attitudes, dressed in strange alien garb such as dumpy ass spandex pants, pointy head helmets and tard shoes. They do dumb shit to piss off the farmers who really use the roads for their livelihood like ride 3 abreast in a 55 mph zone so you can't get around them. They give attitude to everyone. They are nothing but a pain in the ass.

Nice shoes there slick. If you didn't look stupid enough with your bony ass in spandex and that stupid looking helmet, the shoes take it right over the top. At least that farmer will be able to see your bike nazi ass before he runs over you with his combine.

by Bozlog May 4, 2008

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Bike Vegan

A person who is obsessed with tofu and their rusted-out bike that was made in 1978. This individual usually lives in an urban area, but originates from a rural area far from the city. They most likey attend art school and work at local restaurants or Starbucks. They can be found weaving between 4 lanes of city traffic with their one-strapped satchel over their shoulder. Topics of conversation include Apple Computers, new ways of cooking tofu, global warming, peace protests, legalizing marijuana(but, just for medical use, of course), and bandannas.

Cab Driver: Get out of the street! You are going to get killed! What's that smell?

Bike Vegan: Hey mannn, which way to the Starbucks?

by Brian Carey November 10, 2008

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Bike Ride

A term developed in the year 2020 during the Great Quarantine used by teenagers as an excuse to go outside and smoke

โ€œHey mom iโ€™m going on a bike rideโ€
โ€œOkay stay safeโ€
(comes home higher than heaven)

by @_KCVS April 9, 2020

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bike shedding

Another name for Parkinson's Law of Triviality. It's when an individual or group fixates on discussing trivial issues or ones way outside their area of expertise because the pressing issues they actually need to resolve are too hard for them to constructively engage with.

You know you're the victim of bike shedding when a colleague wants to call a meeting to discuss his face-palmingly idiotic suggestions for your project while deliberately ignoring critical problems of their own that they don't know how to fix or get started with.

Developer: The CEO wants to be involved in the website redesign
Marketing: And the COO too. Pure bike shedding.

by jetpants May 1, 2019

beach bike

a bicycle with handlebars so wide you are almost forced to ride without any hands, big wheels to compensate for sandy grounds, and as little hardware on them as possible; come in any color you want and almost any shape; want a basket? you can have one; want THREE wheels? go for it, beach bikes got them too; hook on a surfboard and your in business; then drop in in the dunes and your ready to go

also...something a real beach bum would easily choose over a license and a bmw any day

"hey lets go surfing"
"sure let me get my keys..."
"R YA KIDDING?! yo im just taking my beach bike. peace."

by go_fish January 28, 2010