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Basically a cause of ear cancer

'One time I was listening to the bts and guess what happen.' 'What?...' 'I got ear cancer.'

by TheDadThatNeverCameHome April 23, 2022

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Bluetooth Speaker

omg i love BTS!

by blu face bby September 28, 2019

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A group of gay Korean singers acting like dumb assess and receiving millions of dollars for plastic surgery.

GIRL conversation
Girl: hey, did you BTS new song its so good

Girl 2: OMG yes they're so cute

BOYS conversation
(Boys don't talk about this bullshit)

by alina lopez October 11, 2020

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Better Than Sex

I swear! Those chocolates are BTS!

by SleekSpy June 18, 2018

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Seven hot idiots that ruined my life.

BTS Jimin's booty is one of the kind.

by Jibootywashere March 14, 2019

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7 crackheads that make music

Friend: OMG stop talking about those BTS! You're obsessed
Me: Yes, yes I am

by πŸ’œIpurpleYouπŸ’œβ†–(^Ο‰^)β†— April 28, 2019

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Seven angels from heaven sent to kill all Army’s by their luscious looks, amazing vocals and rap verses. They are Seven memes- I mean members of A VERY TALENTED GROUP. Which consists of : Porronasian Partapio, World Wide Handome, Lil Meow Meow, J-dope, Christian Chim Chim, Jack, and Justin Seagull.

BTS are VeRy TaLeNtEd PeOpLe

by Renoir November 21, 2020

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