Source Code

Chili Dog

When you put hot sauce on the womens vag, then proceed to pound it hardcore. Pull out then slam it in her mouth.

Gave that ho a chili dog... for breakfast

by EpicJesus August 5, 2009

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chili dog

A redneck expression which is meant as a derogatory term for black people. Origin traced to Alabama.

"Man, them dang ol' chili dogs was talkin' so much I couldn't hear the movie.

by Rollo Tomasi January 20, 2005

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Chili Bowl

When two people link assess and shit onto each other at the same time creating a huge mess for someone to eat. Hence...the chili bowl.

Jamie and Todd made a nasty chili bowl last night for Julie to eat.

by ToeFarts June 12, 2010

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Chili Dick

A red bumpy dick caused by any number of stds. Or just anything abonrmal on your dick such as a rash caused by wankin it with no lotion.

Robbie fucked to many of those hood rats and now hes got dat chili dick, chuch

by Eric, Cody January 7, 2008

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laying chili

To be relaxing and hanging out in a cool fashion. To be chilled. To chill.

Jeff says, "Hey sis, how you doin'?"
Sis says, "Laying chili, how bout you?"

by stina April 27, 2003

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chili dog

1. one who is a lazy, emo, obsessive piece of shit. See Mollye.
2. a dump taken on one's chest.

1. the act of being pwned or screwed over.
2. the act of being a lazy, emo, obsessive piece of shit.
3. the act of taking a dump on someone's chest.

That fat bitch is so lazy, she's such a chili dog.

Dude, you just lost one of your lives, you just got chili dogged!

Stop sitting outside Orlando Bloom's house and cutting yourself, you are straight chili dogging!

She squatted over him and chili dogged.

by flandersluvsmollye January 8, 2007

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country chili

To eject part or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in a series of involuntary spasmic movements.
To be discharged forcefully and abundantly; spew or gush.

Wow! He really served up a helping of country chili!

by Z-Dog April 9, 2004

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