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Chespeake bay clam chowder

A woman has diarrhea on a man, puts the white part up his ass, and does a white poop on her chest.

My cousin gave me an Chespeake bay clam chowder.

by Thegamerblocky June 4, 2023

The Clam Chowder

The Clam Chowder is when a person with a penis ejaculates into their bellybutton and their partner then proceeds to slurp it out of their bellybutton like soup.

Cory said that Bentley performed The Clam chowder on him. I bet he is full now.”

by DoIMakeYouRandy? March 18, 2024

trouser chowder

chunks of ejected semen found in one's drawers post-coitus.

I almost got lucky, but got sick when I found she had a bad case of Cheney trouser chowder.

by Icarus33 December 16, 2013

Trouser Chowder

When someones trousers are filled with Sweat , Shit , Piss and Gunk

Man can you smell that dude ? He’s definitely got trouser chowder

by Jesters Privilege December 21, 2022

chowder web

When a guy is taking you from behind and he pulls out and comes on his hand. Then flings it on your back like Spiderman.

I flung my chowder web and it went all over her back and she liked it.

by Rdldance January 3, 2016

Louisianana Clam Chowder

When a girl/guy goes down on you and you cum in there mouth you shoot a dab of Tabasco sauce with it.

You just got a " Louisianana Clam Chowder".

by BigDaddyTank57 January 29, 2015

Corn chowder

When a said person or animal cums in another said person or animals anal cavity.

When Dan cums in Bruce's ass and Bruce ass corn in his ass it creates corn chowder

by Ginger slayer ass master March 21, 2017