Alternative to Spaniels Ears aka empty floppy tits
Check out the Gremlin's Ears on that one
other wise know as a vagina, ham wallet, pussy and beef muff cabbage, the gremlins ear represents the outer wizards sleeve like area of the vagina
hey dude her pussy was like a gremlins ear, it was the worst shit iv taste in years
A womxn who purposely dresses in a way that down plays her physical appearance to deter men from approaching. Typically a dirty or disheveled aesthetic.
I’m going out looking like a swamp gremlin.
An insult used when someone is acting like a monstrous asshole
"You're a Fuckin' gremlin"
This is when you put lipstick on a woman's vagina lips, and when viewed from a distance it looks like a gremlin.
What the fuck, why is she gremlining like that?
Making a devilish face at someone (preferably a small child) from a car window or in a hallway. It is also recommended to point and screech at them.
Someone who is childishly, gender-neutrally nerdy\geeky and lives for fandom as if it was their job and\or lifestyle.
Synonymous with "Fandomer".
Normie 1: Layla has a lot of drawings and stories about that "Galen Frontier Sparkle Z" anime. She's even cosplayed the characters once or twice. I just can't get how she can do that if she has never saw it or read the manga.
Normie 2: First, call her Kyochibi instead. Kyochibi is a fandom gremlin, so she usually gets into fandoms through the Internet, and sometime later may end up watching or reading some of their source material.
Normie 1: So, she's not a fan of the thing, she's a fan of the FANDOM? Well, I guess, it makes sense. She's been referring as her fics and art, as metafanon instead of fanon