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Dammit Johnny

A term used in a podcast for a popular flash series "Unforgotten Realms". It is used when the new artist of UR says, or does something wrong. It has become a small catch phrase for various fans of the series, and is sometimes used when telling someone they did something bad.

Clive: Hey, man! I just sold my soul to satan!
Winston: Dammit Johnny!

by Mr. Bibby April 10, 2008

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Johnny Tran

Very stylish Asian who's very intelligent and always survives No-nut november

β€œDamn, Who’s that stylish Asian walking this way.” β€œOh, that’s Johnny Tran. he’s always like that”

by kimchiboi November 27, 2018

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johnny jihad

A Muslim soldier, also referred to as Ali Baba, when referring to the enemy forces as a whole, or in a group relationship.Johhny Jihad is used a euphenism for a single enemy combatant in Iraq.

Gonna shoot ol Johnny Jihad when he comes out from that building.

by jim bless October 28, 2007

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Johnny Rebel

A)Johnny Rebel or Johnny Reb was slang for any Confederate soldier, or the Confederate Army as a whole in general, during the Civil War

B)Musician in the 60's who is noted for his racist recordings. Most every song included the word nigger

A)Those yankees sure would love to have Johnny Rebel's head on a stick!

B)Johnny Rebel sings "Stay Away From Dixie" and he sure likes to say "nigger" alot.

by Sarah Lambert March 4, 2008

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Johnny Greenwood

Lead guitarist of the British band "Radiohead." Well known for not only his impressive skill on guitar (and pushing boundaries as to what sounds you can create) but with many other instruments as well (including electronic instruments). He also composed the film score for the Paul Thomas Anderson movie "There Will Be Blood"

Johnny Greenwood's guitar solo on "Paranoid Android" was ranked #34 in the 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's poll from Guitar World.

by D.L. Painter July 3, 2008

62πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Johnny

When a man takes his penis and pushes it into a wet pussy, takes it out, and takes her cum and makes her eat it. Usually, he will cum into her mouth at this point.

Johnny(duh)pumped into Delilah and pulled out, smearing her cum over her tongue and came himself. (A dirty Johnny)

by cheezwhiz August 11, 2007

56πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Johnny Damon

Probably the most infamous Red Sox traitor in the history of the Red Sox franchise. Johnny Damon was the biggest Red Sox star to just walk straight into the Yankees arms because of money. The former 'Jesus' is now the 'anti-christ.'The real life version of Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader. He vowed never, ever to join the Yankees but left the Red Sox for money just like Anakin Skywalker left for power.

Johnny Damon is now the Yankees's pet dog. Goddamn it Damon. WTF is wrong with you. You betrayed the Red Sox. When you come back to Fenway, I hope the fans will neither cheer or boo but instead, give you the cold shoulder.

by DarkFenX January 18, 2006

171πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž