Source Code

Making yodels

When you put it in das pooper and you finish inside that bitch.

Yo last night I rammed it in my girls ass and made yodels.

by Ripper_AWD February 7, 2004

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Making it Hail

Substituting one dollar coins instead of dollar bills to make it rain.

Bro 1: Bro! What is that stripper all bloody and unconscious?

Bro 2: Bank only gave me the new dollar coins and I've been making it hail.

by revrevrevrev August 16, 2012

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

making out

Swaping spit with another person and having each others tongues moving all over the place in each other's mouth and carassing each other.

I was making out with my girlfriend last night and she loved it....oooohhh ya.

by Mark March 22, 2005

1984πŸ‘ 1108πŸ‘Ž

make love

instead of fucking her brains out, take the time to charish your time together
and take it easy and slow.to satisfy both of your needs.(dont stop until she cums)

I made sweet love to my baby boo*

by shy June 16, 2003

676πŸ‘ 358πŸ‘Ž

Make Fuck

When two people, who are in love, have hot, nasty, dirty sex rather than the traditional, romantic, making love type of sex.

Sweetheart, I miss you and can't wait to make fuck with / to you!

by 131Upper January 1, 2011

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

make weight

Taking a large crap.

Excuse me guys, i need to go make weight.

by C-Nut April 19, 2008

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Make Out

Stuff that adults do. Please don’t do it in public it’s DISTUSTANG

Make out in public and I will find you ^U^

by WhoHatesHandlesThatAlreadyUsed August 7, 2021

241πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž