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Omega Emo Girl

An omega emo girl is a girl that is emo wears fingerless gloves and when called emo they get upset and ask their mother figure and then tries to prove their not emo by telling them what there mom said.

I knew she was an Omega Emo Girl

by The WAMEN respecter October 26, 2019

Omega Emo Girl

An omega emo girl is a emo girl who wears fingerless gloves and when called emo gets upset and asks their mother if they are emo and if their mother says no she tries to prove it to the person who said she is emo by telling them what her mom said.

I knew she was an Omega Emo Girl

by The WAMEN respecter October 26, 2019

Omega Cock

I am the owner of the world's first omega cock. it is currently being held at area 51 for research. soon we will pioneer a version for consumers.

"damn, what a nice omega cock"

by doodler doo April 30, 2022

omega drive

Crappy-ass band out of Mountgomery County, Maryland. The lead singer can't even sing in the correct pitch!

Omega Drive is an abnormally crappy band.

by Fangy January 7, 2006

Obvi Omega

Abbreviation for Obviously, but putting obviously to the maximum. It exudes a greater existance of "obviously" and adds emphasis to the obviously that was first said. In turn, adding omega makes others feel like complete idiots for stating something so extremely obvious.

guy: Dude, you going to the game tonight?
you: Obvi omega. Why do you think i'm wearing this outfit?!

person 1: Wow dude. I've got some major cotton mouth fur shur after that last hit. How 'bout you?
person 2: Obvi omega. Shit son!

by mikey-kay November 30, 2009

Omega Squad

Coolest group of all time.

You guys are as cool as the Omega Squad!

by Shark_Boy123 December 27, 2016

body omega

the insane catch where u spam Oo to your roblox character flying doing spins and flips.

Ooo look he caught a body omega

by rip jakarian April 28, 2021