Aka. R.O.R.P.; When an individual is romantically attracted to people regardless of what religion they practice
Santiago actively practices Islam, but he is open to dating people who practice other religions. He has a religiously open romantic preference.
aka. P.C.R.P.; When an individual is only romantically attracted to people who support political parties whose beliefs fall on the same side of the political spectrum as the political party the individual support
Virginia identifies as being a supporter of the Republican party, she is willing to date other people, but only if the political party they support identifies as being a right-wing political party, like hers is. She has a politically consistent romantic preference.
aka. P.O.R.P.; When an individual is romantically attracted to people regardless of what their political identity is
Veronica identifies as being a supporter of the Reform Party, but she is interested in dating other people, even if they have a different political identity from her. She has a Politically open romantic preference.
Just like a normal cliffhanger, you'd be edge to your seat moment wanting to know what will happen next in a romantic relationship between 2 lovers. Will it be fixed or will it end, who knows read the book to find out.
Susie Q: "Billy I need to tell you something like might possibly break our romantic moment?"
Billy: *in shock* "what's wrong Susie?"
To be continued in a romantic cliffhanger, read the next book to find out next.
Aka. P.I.R.P.; When an individual is romantically attracted to people regardless of whether or not they want and or have pets
Jenise is romantically attracted to other people regardless of whether or not they have pets. She has a pet irrelevant romantic preference.
James is a romantic because whenever your with him he leads you through excitement and the things in life you should be enjoying.
James is a romantic because whenever your with him he leads you through excitement and the things in life you should be enjoying.