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Burfo's Mum

Commonly used in a retort on one's sexuality.

Steve: I hear you like to partake in a spot of feltchingJames?

James: The only thing I feltch is Burfo's mum

by Justin Kerwin March 21, 2005

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your mum

Not only an insult which can be hilarious if used in the right context, but also another way of saying "shut up" used perfectly by Lawrence Whale.

"You look stupid today"
"Yeah your mum"
"No really you do"
"Shut your mum!"

by Robert Lewis March 18, 2005

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Ya Mum

An insult when someone is annoyin u

dont av a cow YA MUM already had one

by jennifer robinson December 5, 2003

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your mum

Surely refers to the fact your mum is easy, or suggest that the person saying it has indeed slept with your mum

Person 1 "Shut up, your such an idiot"
Person 2 "your mum"

by jenm December 4, 2004

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mum joke

Generally a cheap joke made at the expense of someone elses mother, especially with sexual connotations.

#1: What's going down?
#2: Johnson's mum
#3: Again? .. laughs

#1: Well my mum was mowing the lawn
#2: Last time I checked she didn't have anything to mow ;)

by P.D. March 8, 2004

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ur mum

okay where do i begin? we could start off with a hearty insult to everyone who uses this word... you bunch of flare wearing hippy scum. It seems that over the last few months, chavs have forgotten the insult 'grunger' and replaced it with 'ur mum!' its a shame really.. because the poor chavvie sods deserve at least to be able to finish thier own sentences... oh the wonderful days where i have spent walking along the road and all of a sudden, in a blur of nickelson tops off of the nearest market stall, AND FAKE BURBERRY.. my mum is being cussed (or so they say anyway) by a group of ppl pronouncing that i own a parent... oh well, i guess we cant all be genetic and social deformaties born in test tubes.. love u all! ur mums!

eerm... ur mum!... (thats just it.. thats all there is...)

by myke March 12, 2004

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ur mum

insulting someones mum

yea ur mum

by ur mum September 29, 2003

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