Source Code


The current era of time where all people, male and female, are glued to thier computers, (usually by some sort of ejaculate) in a massive addiction to pornographic images.

Guy 1: Did you hear about Maria, she hasen't left her room in days.
Guy 2: She just sits there every day screwing with her Pornhole.
Guy 1: Yep, she's stuck there, I guess she decided to join the Porn-Age.

by upmost777 January 7, 2012

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Age of Time

A game made by Badspot, maker of Blockland (Definition of Blockland on database.) Rated T for Teen

Slight Nudity; Fun spells; Jail noobs; Age of Time Rockz

by Kaphix December 30, 2006

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Age Play

A person who gets sexually aroused by Dating someone older than them who takes a role of a caregiver or dom

Also an Ageplayer is a person who acts a younger age than their normal to please the dom or caregiver and be totally submissive to them

My relationship is total age play my girlfriend calls me daddy and she is my babygirl

by Kinkkypanda August 1, 2019

48πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Age of 12

Children who have a dependancy on the acceptance of online communities.


by Bored March 21, 2003

11πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Not a real thing, but some right wingers claim there is such a thing as being trans-age, where you feel a different age to what you actually are, for example you are 60 but feel like you're 30. It's not real, and is only a mockery of transgender people by right wingers to make them out to be paedophiles. Transgender people ARE NOT paedophiles at all, but "trans-age" people are.

Some 40 year old said he found 14 year old girls hot, and when I called him a paedophile, he said he was trans-age and felt as if he was 14 himself. I laughed this off as an attempt to excuse being a paedophile and also an attempt to make the transgender community feel bad.

by IceChill789 July 21, 2020

163πŸ‘ 263πŸ‘Ž

Age Fluid

A term created by transphobic internet trolls that describes a hypothetical identity: "someone who does not identify with their biological age." Though not an actual term used to describe any sexual orientation or identity, "age fluid" is used as a device in memes to disturb and conjure fear of trans/genderfluid folks. This occurs by suggesting that the LGBTQ+ community would justify or condone sexual assault of youth.

Gee, some people will do anything to trick folks into thinking transphobia is justifiable-- I just saw the most ridiculously made-up meme with the hashtag # Age Fluid!

by Jupiter Music February 1, 2017

247πŸ‘ 418πŸ‘Ž

aged weed

The crusty dusty dried up weed hidden in tobacco pipes.

I think there’s some aged weed in my pipe broski.

by jefftheheff September 14, 2021