A charming loop is another name for ones butthole
I could seduce him with my charming loop
I’d let him in my charming loop
A certain level of charisma that is exhibited while in the thralls of substance addiction. Often brought on by a complete lack of fucks to give.
Can sometimes be in conjunction with being a ''Hot mess'.
Prima: How the fuck does joe do it, I mean look at him, he looks like a scarecrow made out beef jerky?
Secunda: Look, Joe might've been banging meth for a solid two years, but he's got that certain ''junkie charm'' that, for some reason, the chicks are into, I guess.
An slang word used when someone says something out of pocket/rude such as swearing or gossiping.
After Millie finished swearing, Bella turned to Abby, “ lost a charm” she said
Lost a charm means that someone says something that they shouldn’t have. If someone swears/gossips/is rude or inappropriate then they “lost a charm.” It comes from the traditional charm bracelet when parents/guardians gave their kids charms when they were good and took them away when they were bad.
Aubrey: *******
Zach: Dang, she just lost a charm.
“Lost a charm” means someone says something they shouldn’t have. If someone swears/gossips/is rude or inappropriate then they “lost a charm.” It originates from the traditional charm bracelet with the idea that parents/guardians reward their children for being good by giving them charms and punishing them by taking them away.
Aubrey: ********
Zach: Dang, Aubrey lost a charm there.
A person that has hopelessly fallen in love with an eggie.
It took me a while to realize that I had already been egg-charmed by her.