a very cute eboy named cee he is soo rich and famous he is friends with the most coolest discord people like warzone backyard and kapa
thats charming#1993
I didn't say this two days ago. The guy with 128 PhDs isn't making a reference to the thing I said in front of the only person who knows about my "monk with rosary beads". I'm clearly a paranoid schizophrenic. That's what's happening here. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and the thing that is happening isn't happening. I just think it's happening.
Hym "Yes, I'm clearly a paranoid Schizophrenic. Just a uniquely charming paranoid schizophrenic Nianfo Buddhist monk with rosary beads.... Yep... That's what's happening..."
October 27. Marks the day the once upon a time episode “good form” (3x05) was aired, in which Killian Jones cures David Nolan of his deadly dreamshade poisoning and the two stop hating each other. Coined my tik toker @captaincharming_fp as the day many began to ship them, and the day they would’ve shared their first kiss in the “captaincharming_fp alternate universe”.
“Dude it’s October 27th! Let’s rewatch ‘good form’ in honour of captain charming day!”
As charming as a 600 Volt electric eel.
Grinch has that eel charm, his smile is infectuous isn't it? Don't you want to reach out and touch him Homer?
Charming as a 600 volt electric eel.
Polish guy at barbeque grill with eel charm- I'm single.
Female neighbor- That's a shocker.
When a guy wraps a fruit roll up around his penis and smears marshmallow cream on his testicle before a girl performs oral. As his testicles stick to her face he has her tell him “it’s magically delicious”.
You can tell she got a mouthful of Danny’s lucky charms last night. She still has marshmallow in her hair.
deliciously charming, usually a very charming guy / man
Come here; why are you so charm-licious?
Whoa, that bartender sure is charm-licious!