When all of an ex's belongings in a person's possesion are being kept. Usually implies that person is not quite over the ex.
She's having a hard time with the break-up; it's been months and she still has the ex-in-the-box.
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Is a person who tell his ex-girlfriend to have sex with him one last time and if she says yes he fucks her so hard that he messes up her vagina so bad that no one ever wants to have sex with her again
dude your an EX-Terminator
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The reason you change your Netflix password. The reason you woke up and found your car scratched like a your car was a raccoon orgy last night. Your greatest Fear and worst nightmare. a bitch. The only time When you Feel like your Bill Murray in Groundhog day. The same Nightmare Over and Over and Over again.
My ex girlfriend is trying to murder me. first my car is scratched and now my carpet has been eaten. oh shit.
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Your ex's ex with whom you have become friends. The friendship starts out as a trauma bond, swapping stories and comparing notes on the dude's lies, cheating, and manipulative behavior, and evolves into a genuine sisterhood.
I'm getting together with my Sister Ex on his birthday to wish him a year of pain and misery.
My sister ex confirmed he was cheating on her with me when we met.
Wife divorced for fucking around and lying about it. Only to it again.
Yo,SaJa repeatly been steppin out on her man and eatin a beef sandwich with mayo and is now a HO-Ex after her husband ended the marriage.
A small-dick cuntface who you wish was no longer alive. They promised you they would never leave you and would love you forever and wanted to be with you for the rest of their lives and then they dumped you the next day and moved on like a year and a half intimate relationship was nothing.
He's also the person you secretly still love and would take back in a heartbeat.
My ex-boyfriend broke up with me over stupid things
looking for someone while walking in a place that has a high probability of them being there, but hoping not to find them.
~whilst walking on campus~
Friend 1: you look a bit distracted
Friend 2: yeah, ever since Mary and I broke up I am ex-watching while on campus