Source Code

Jeans McJumpsuit

When your blue jeans go up past your shirt and come out as a collar.

Jeff sydor is gay

by Sphinctar March 17, 2004

21๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

pube jeans

Jeans so low cut that some pubic hair curls over the belt buckle; thought to be daring and sexy by a certain kind of younger woman.

That can't be her real hair color!

It's not, check what's sticking out of her pube jeans.

by old lang guy October 17, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anna Jean

A lovely girl who is always asking you whats wrong even if you say nothing is wrong.She always has a positive attitude toward EVERYTHING.She is so awesome and attracts all the young boys.

Boy 1: Did you see Anna Jean today
Boy 2:Yeah,she looks so awesome
Boy 3:Whatever she is so hot
Boy 4: Shes mine back off

by LittleLitLovelyLexie February 7, 2017

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jean carlos

master of ass kicking , also master of bacon and puppies

aw man, that guy is a jean carlos at eating bacon

by bacon bomber December 7, 2015

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1) An erection so powerful it could rip through jeans.
2) A "raging mega-huge boner"

M:"Damn, did you see that skirt!?"
A:"Dude, just looking at her is giving me a jean-buster"

by MRS March 12, 2005

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jean boner

that little bump you get when your pants are slightly too baggy in the crotch area. can cause laughter at times of awkwardness and may be mistaken for an actual erection. if you have one of these, put on a belt and pull your pants up past your belly button, quick! :D

did you see jane's pants? they are way to saggy.

yeah man, they give her a total jean boner. i'll give her my belt!

by themirrorbroke March 18, 2011

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G.I. Jean

A French G.I. Joe, probably involved in getting France's ass kicked in World War II, who is hyped up about the (very few) French military expeditions he's participated in but is incapable of manipulating elementary computer knowledge.
He is very likely to be accompanied by his friends Dominique, Jean-Jacques and Francois.

The guy who gave the speech today for the French military convocation was your typical G.I. Jean. I mean that conference, what a fucking bore. All that talk about how torture is bad... LOOK WHOSE TALKING.

by MisterDot May 10, 2010

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