A guy that died sometime in the early 80s that fell off a dock high on cocaine and drowned. Yet he came back to life, and instead of craving flesh he shakes you down for money, drugs, and cigarettes. He is known to show up when you are using drugs.He yells alot, and will have sex with your girlfriend against her will.
Junky zombie shook me down for my change when I came out of the gas station.
My friend got high on smack, and all the sudden junky zombie showed up, ripped me off and had sex with katie.
narcissists who cant stand for anyone else to have the focus on them - gotta interrupt, change the topic to something about themselves, insult people before even knowing them, and generally act like everyone should pay attention to them even when they have no real skills, talents, or knowledge
My cat s are attention junkies- they push into everyone's face to get as much petting as possible from anyone and everyone.
Being in the junkie limbo refers to coming down from heroin or other opiates.
You're too well to sleep, too tired to stake awake, and the sickness is on its way.
Junke #1: Hey man, let's cop some fire tar!
Junkie #2: Not today man, I'm starting to feel like shit
Junkie #1: Shit dude, you're in the junkie limbo! Can I borrow $20?
Junkie #2: Fuck off!
When taking ecstasy and ones jaw becomes jutted making their face distorted and the jaw look huge.
Check out the junkie jaw on wee robbie, hes pure mad wi they eckys!
A trance junkie is a person that has an addiction for the use of hypnosis, whether as a subject being tranced aka hypnotized, repeatedly and frequently, or even as a hypnotist that just loves trancing subjects. A trance junkie is just behind trance slut which is the highest form of hypnosis addiction.
Bill: That girl, she's a total trance junkie. I hypnotized her like 7 times last night and she just wanted more.
John: By the time I'm working that trance junkie Jill over this weekend, she'll be a trance slut for sure.
An individual whose obsession with cock is a mania and/or uses cock as a recreational tool. Cock junkies usually are female, bulemic and have daddy issues. Therefore the cock is used as a way to get male attention. However instead of loving and care, the cock junky is getting attention via cock. Cock Junkies sometimes travel in small packs consisting of a lead girl who is of great wealth and expresses it through her exterior dress and foul/transparent attitude, a less attractive female who either has acne, braces or has mysterious lumps in her pants, and an unattractive and brainless blonde. Cock junkies can usually be found roaming the halls of large malls and flirting with men that are twice their age.
Detective 1 "Gina is a cock junky, she slept with old man Wilson and Joey McKay in the same night."
Detective 2 "Hot damn"