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Testicle Shotgun

A shotgun that's a testicle.

Brad: There is no way your going to buy the Testicle Shotgun
Bard: Too bad I'm going to buy the Testicle Shotgun.

by korbloc_dragonte March 23, 2023


Another name for testicles, said by only the cool people who watch videos like "OMG Shoes!"

Oh boy! Look at those pa-testicles!

by M Kay March 27, 2008


An alternative adjective for "dick".

Worse than an"idiot"

Not as bad as a "wanker"

She did what? What a "testicle"?

by CleverCain December 29, 2023


A word used to describe a bully. It originated from the "bull" who is the cow with a testicle.

She resembles a testicle.

by CleverCain December 10, 2023


balls nigga , good ol' balls , a more professional term is douchebag , bag of balls..etc , it means nice

my mom is such a testicle

by shanyalabaad January 13, 2022


The location in a males lower region to store urine. Can be found just below the penis in an out-hanging sack.

I kicked Jimmy so hard in the dick hole that his testicles released pee.

by Soviet Russia 1912 December 9, 2017


did you know? if you rest one of them on the top of an empty beer bottle and hold a flame at the base of the bottle, the testicle will eventually get sucked in.

Does anyone know how to get it out tho? anyone? please?

Person 1 (stupid): hey bro i got one of my testicles stuck in a beer bottle
Person 2: *violently rips the bottle off along with the testicles*

by testicle_hater23 May 30, 2024