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Social experiment

Replacing an old building or something people loved about a place, something that didn't actually need a replacement, by convincing people it needed to be replaced because it was outdated is a form of a social experiment. A way to get a group of people to tolerate something they wouldn't otherwise tolerate, something they would resist.

People are always trying to make changes via a social experiment. Change is not always what's best for everyone, and a lot of the time, things end up getting worse before they get worse (and not worse before they get better) when somebody took something that was once good and turned it to bullshit.

by The Original Agahnim June 2, 2021

Social Experiment

A polite way to explain pulling douchey pranks on random people. Often on YouTube has (GONE WRONG) on the title to clickbait.

(Social Experiment)
What they say: hey guys lets go do some social experiments.
What they mean: lets go annoy random people on the street.

by RadioGum May 22, 2017

Social experiment

The act of harassing a person or group of people, whilst recording their reactions in order to explore social norms and behaviour. Such recordings are often uploaded to the well known scientific journal: "YouTube".

Not to be confused with trolling or pranking.

It's just a social experiment trying to shed light on how people react when I eat their food without asking.

by AnythingGoesIfItsAnExperiment November 30, 2017

Social Experiment

An excuse used by YouTube creators to seem Woke while acting like Human Garbage for views.

"wow what an asshole, but I bet he'll tell his subscribers it was a social experiment'

by TheRippedGeek August 24, 2018

Willy Wonka Chocolate Experience

A very low budget and unlicensed event held at Box Hub in Glasgow, Scotland promoting the movie wonka, organized by a guy called William Coull. It become viral because of having "meth lab" Oompa Loompas and using AI art for the images promoting the event and the "candy land" tarpaulins in the warehouse. It gives sort of a liminal space vibe because it's in a warehouse. It became viral for the meth lab Oompa Loompas and "The Unknown", a character that looks like a hacker. Shame on you William Coull!!! You're rolling Roald Dahl's grave.

The Willy Wonka Chocolate Experience was an event held on February 24, 2024 at the Box Hub Warehouse.
What is that? It's the unknown!!!

by itstheunknown March 2, 2024

Accelerated Learning Experience

An experience reserved for people with 130+ IQ, or ADHD patients.
To use this method, one must assign one of his computer speaker to play mozart on 2x speed and the other speaker to play either a religious text or some other text that they want to learn.

Search up "Accelerated Learning Experience" and you will be enlightened.

Jack: Your roommate has a final right? Is he studying right now?
James: No, he practiced Accelerated Learning Experience 3 hours earlier and finished studying within 5 minutes

by __DSG__ March 10, 2024

romantic experience

Learning from your romantic mistakes.

With my romantic experience, now I can narrow it down who I'm marrying and know how to be a better man.

by Ereck Flowers June 28, 2016