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Skinny Jeans

Jeans made for fags and girls that are extremely tight. If you're a boy and wear these jeans you most certainly have to have a 3 in. or less cock.

Ted: Hey when did you start wearing those skinny jeans?

XXSkylarXX: When i realized i should start showing off my pencil dick.

Ted: Oh yea? hows that workin for ya?

XXSkylarXX: its helped me find reasons to cut myself. come to think of it....

by CurbStompinEMOSonTheDaily July 26, 2009

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Skinny Sleeping

When one decides to embrace the act of sleeping naked.

Roey: I know you didn't sleep with belle!
Hillel: Nah dawg, I even tried skinny sleeping with her and she rejected that too!

by SkinnySleeper545 June 29, 2009

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Skinny Chicken

to offer little or nothing; to shaft; to be cheap.

I gave my family the skinny chicken this year and only got presents for my girlfriend.

by REB3 February 3, 2010

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skinny breh

A Lanky, skinny fellow who likes to think of himself as a bit of a 'sick breh' often seen with his trousers half way down his legs. is known to lurk with little children.

guy: that guys a total "skinny breh", look at him with a the little children

by romzzz February 27, 2010

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skinny bitch

A female that is stuck-up as hell. She is always caution about what she is wearing, how it looks , and how other ppl see her. This bitch is insecure as hell.

Janet: How do I look in this? what do you think everybody's going to say when they see it?

Monique: Damn, shut the fuck up skinny bitch!!!!!!!!

by BIG BABY October 9, 2006

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scary skinny

extremely anorexic. Usually white girls who are obsessed with being as skinny as possible wearing a size zero and often starve themselves and a lot of them have bulimia and puke up their food. A lot of this is going on in Hollywood and with models. Most of these people who are or want to be scary skinny think the slightest bit of fat is ugly. They'd rather die than be fat.

Nicole Richie is "scary skinny"

by tatomuck1 October 12, 2008

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Skinny Dipper

A person who chases skinny chicks. Similar to chubby chaser.

Friend: "Shotgun on dat fat gurl"
You: "Nah bro, imma skinny dipper"

by Chill Nutz February 23, 2010

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