When a younger person than you has limited funds, ie pocket money and you have unlimited funds, ie credit card, therefore everything you pick up is 'amazing', 'awesome' etc in their eyes therefore you buy them. Purchases can be either for yourself or the younger person
Floral head band aimed at Tweens, yet you buy and you're in your 30's as the younger person your with thinks you'll look amazing wearing it, therefore Virtual Spending
someone who has been to a place but only online
destination traveling that occurs via the internet
What did Professor Milroney just say?
"Dude, I dont know I was a virtual visitor in Cabo Wabo."
"You've never been to Paris? I knew you were just a virtual visitor!"
A less cartoony baseball game than its Japanese counterpart for the Virtual Boy.
I’m no pussy. I want the Virtual League Baseball game for my one video game console, the Virtual Boy.
the act of talking/ typing rude and or annoying messages out of passive aggressiveness.
I don't have real balls so i use my virtual balls to hate on innovative people.
When someone likes all your posts on social media, and friend requests you on social media, but won't act on anything IRL.
Hit em with that virtual thought... "Like"
When someone makes you giggle or laugh through an instant message or chat conversation.
Oh man, Jenn was really virtually tickled me today. She was telling me all of these jokes.
Getting virtually tickled is like being poked on Facebook, but there is actually a point.
I am gonna go play in Virtual Reality!