Source Code

New York Stop

The act of slowing down to look for cops at an intersection and Rolling through a stopsign at about 15 MPH, as apposed to actually stopping all the way for the legal 2 seconds

Jim: yo that chromic masterbater just pulled a New York Stop and totally cut me off.
bimbo: omg like that jerkoff cop like totally pulled me over for that New York Stop.

by bobosbeatinonu February 9, 2011

Rome New York

A frozen penal colony on the moon. Has the most homeless bicycle riders in United States, per capita.

Wow, that police officer left his kid in the car for two days! Oh no surprise: he's from Rome New York.

by AdiosSuckers January 30, 2021

New York's Finest

Refers to the NYPD (New York Police Department), or to any other police officer operating within the state of New York, albeit preferably New York City, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and other well-known major cities.

"Don't underestimate New York's Finest.....yeah right. Damn cops. lol jk"

by Dave May 19, 2004

186πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

New York City

Best, most exciting city in the whole wide world (I'm not american by the way) with some of the friendliest (really) people and the best food. Where else can you buy a giant pretzel? or nuts? or a huge pizza on the street? It's one of those places everyone should go to, at least once.

You should go to New York City!

by 3000 July 16, 2004

2094πŸ‘ 594πŸ‘Ž

New York Sloppy

A New York Sloppy is the act of hiding your Junk in a hot dog bun to make it look like a hot dog for a female or male (whatever seems more likely) to consume.

β€œHey Luca, this hot dog wasn’t actually a normal hot dog. It was a New York Sloppy!”, Jenu said.

by LordFlacid July 12, 2020

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Discover New York

An inescapable trap, set by the administration of St. John's University, programmed to mercilessly extract an additional $3000 from vulnerable freshmen. The entire substance of this course is common knowledge to most folk, and the few facts to be otherwise learned can be acquired with a half-hour of encyclopedia browsing.

"I was forced into taking a semester of DNY as a freshman at St. John's, and all I learned about was the Brooklyn Bridge."

"I can't believe that DNY carries as much weight as a Philosophy or Calculus course."

"Discover New York is a scam."

"My dog shits DNY."

"At least it brought up my GPA."

"As useful as dividing by 1."

"I feel bad for the professors at this university who are so degraded as to be designated instructors of DNY."

by DietSodaThirst May 8, 2008

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

New York Nine

A β€œNew York Nine” is easily a β€œ10” on any scale anywhere else on in the World.

That girl is a New York Nine

by skljdhj March 29, 2021

41πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž