A hateful platform where people say bold things from behind a screen and harass each other without accountability for their words..... Like a person from the nineties who grew up watching jackass and has no teeth .... Or a person who played video games until he became too out of touch to grow a pair and say things to people's face.... Modern day wimps and beeetches
Urban dictionary is trash
A useful website for slang you don't know. But it now only has old definitions and so it's lost all of it's humor.
I went to Urban Dictionary .
The website where you find most definitions to be.. unfriendly to children. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jerry, a 9 year old: What's with all the adult stuff on this website? I just wanted to find the definition of "silver".
Lina: Oh, you should just look it up on Google. Urban Dictionary isn't for your age..
Look at this cursed Urban Dictionary word!
Ok bro but everyone has seen that
I cant even believe you. You're on Urban Dictionary.
A dictionary that you can right your own definitions and submit your own words. The Urban Dictionary is the best place for laughter and funny definitions to make learning and dictionarys fun. (more fun).
The Urban Dictionary has lots of definitions and words to look for alot of them have very funny definitions and some of them are true.
Urban dictionary is a place where little people can get bullied. They can just search their own name, and see random people who hate them. Do not recommend, do not visit.
Do not visit Urban Dictionary