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Asian Pink Eye

Vagina; usually good/unused.

Yo Rockstar, I heard you stayed over at Katie's last night! You get tha asian pink eye or what?

by Backdoor Bren April 12, 2008

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Rollin' Brown Eye

During sexual foreplay, the woman partner straddles the man, while laying on his back, facing the opposite direction, shits on his chest.

While Jack was handcuffed to the bed, his wife Maggy asked him "Would you like a Rollin' Brown Eye?" The man replies "What is that?" Maggy then shits on his chest as her husband watches her poop roll out of her bum.

by ChronicShrewms June 29, 2011

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Fuck me eye

When a person looks at you a certain way, their eyes get bigger and they just look a little more innocent

β€œYo bro she giving you fuck me eyes she wants you”

by Charlie’sAngels April 14, 2022

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Brown eye spy

A brown eye spy is a homosexual caught staring at another man's buttox in the locker room.

"Dude, did you see that guy with make up on at the gym"?
"Yeah, that guys a brown eye spy".
"No way"!
"yeah we caught him Spying the brown eye last week".

by zack N November 28, 2010

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Charlie one eye

your bum hole

ceri bent over and i could see her charlie one eye

by heidiiiiiiii August 15, 2008

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Alabama Abalone Eye

also "Alabama Abaloneye"

When you eat too much fucking abalones and your eyes went full cartoon puffy so bad you can't go to work.

Bloody Aaron ate some Abalone for dinner, now he has Alabama Abalone Eye.

by RogerRogerson March 8, 2017

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freshly bummed eyes

When a persons eyes are all bloodshot and red as if they have been crying from severe pain from being freshly analed for the first time.

"Jaaaames?! Have you got freshly bummed eyes?"

by Destroyerofdirtboxes January 19, 2017

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