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Blow Job Lottery

When a guy hopes that by doing the right things (sex acts or otherwise) for a girl, he can get a blow job. This can result in either winning (getting a blow job) or losing (not getting a blow job).

Guy #1: I was totally messing around with this chick last night and I won the Blow Job Lottery!
Guy #2: Drinks for everybody!

by Hector Barbosa August 3, 2010

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dirty tit job

When you are havent shaved in about 4 months and you tity fucked a girl and gave ger tits rug burn then bust in her eye!

I was going to a party with Julia but instead i gave Stephanie a dirty tit job then took her to the hospital and she was later pronounced blind.

by redneck sam March 13, 2010

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Mexican brake job

If your vehicle develops a brake line leak, the act of merely adding additional brake fluid after the pedal starts to go soft, instead of making proper repairs.

We were so wasted in Cabo that I didn't realize we needed to give the car a Mexican brake job before starting the drive home -- I nearly rear-ended several cars!

by josecampos August 20, 2008

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Polite blow Job

A blow job, where when you are about to cum and the girl will put a condom on you, much to your annoyance.

Mary: are you about to cum?

Dave: yes

Mary: (Mary jams a condom on Dave)

Dave: ffs you just polite blow jobbed me

by Tpp222 November 18, 2017

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Hungarian Nose Job

When receiving a blow job, the suckee cums hard in the back of the suckers throat resulting in projectile semen coming out of the nose.

I thought I did a farmers blow when I was sucking his dick, then I realized I had given my first Hungarian nose job.

by ThatSotaChick May 1, 2014

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Team Mill Job

An act of sexual masochism in which an individual achieves sexual gratification by being tied down and 'milled' by a group of 3 or more sexual sadists. Team mill jobs are illegal in 48 US states, due in large part to a rise in death rates from asphyxiation and rectal trauma. deaths,

A typical Team Mill Job begins when the subject is secured (usually to a table or workbench) and the 'Millwrights' simulate the act or process of grinding, cutting, pressing, or crushing in a mill, and ends when the 'Foreman' gives his sign of work completion. Usually by ejaculating onto or into the face of the subject, but varies depending on the foreman.

The price of Team Mill Job varies widely by location, economic climate and number of millwrights, but usually starts at around $500US.

Soliciting a Team mill job:

"Do you have a mill?"
"How big is your team?"
"How big is the job?"
"At least four or five man hours"
"I charge 250 bucks a man-hour"
"Is your work shop open?"

by Pondo Sinatra December 1, 2011

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guy fieri job

When you're driving in a red convertible like guy fieri and you're getting a blow job.

My girlfriend gave me a guy fieri job the other day.

by SpecificTermForThat March 8, 2015

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