A long-time tactic employed in police interrogation, to force a suspect to drop his guard and open up. Now, a duality threatening the fabric of American social justice.
Standing in a line of peaceful protestors seeking acknowledgment of racial injustice, unsure as to whether the well-armed men before him would protect him or attack him, he saw clearly - the good cop bad cop routine had taken to the streets.
In the traditional sense, if someone is "up to no good", they're doing something bad, or wrong.
We are a collective that defies all odds, a group of individuals, comrades from all walks of life.
Regardless of whether we have different beliefs, careers, experiences or values, we are all Up Two Know Good.
"Up Two" as in two steps ahead, in the lead, striving to win.
"Know Good" as in seeking Knowledge of Self, living the "good life".
We have chosen to commit to knowing better, with intentions of doing better.
We are seeking out the very best in ourselves and in every aspect of our lives.
(Taken from UpTwoKnowGood.com)
What's Good?
Those kids are Up Two Know Good.
But Jesus Christ I’m never good
person 1: “The pastor says I’m good”
person 2: Lmao mccafferty
Person 2: but Jesus Christ im never good
Person 1: I’ll nail my hands up to the wall
ayo I’m board as fuck idk why I did this
What a guy says when he likes or is currently going out with an ugly woman to get his friends to stop making fun of her.
Mike:man she is ugly
Jeff:she has good personality man
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It means that you have spotted a really attractive guy or female.
you're walking in the mall and you look over to your friend and say what's really good? Your friend will know that you spotted a cute person.
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It's the same as oh my goodness gracious but in an incorrect way.
Oh my gracious goodness! I didin't know you had a child!
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Something the priest says when he either doesn't care what you're saying or he's not paying attention.
"Father, I need to speak with you about a problem"............" "YEAH" .................."It's about the bingo tables."..........." "RIGHT" "I think they are too heavy."........OK............."I think they gave me a hernia."............."GOOD" Yeah, right, OK, Good
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