A simple person that you should follow
hey your Simply bear
Something like an animal bear it is neon looking
have you see that neon bear
A pretty bear is an extremely sexy, big, bearded, man that usually plays a brass instrument
Damn, that guy is such a pretty bear
A safe Scp which actually gets along with the workers, and builds things. They have made two other versions of themself, both of which are keter class. One is made out of earlobes, and emits a high pitched scream which anyone within 50 meters of the screech will have earlobes form inside of thier throat, as they die of suffocating. The other is unknown to me, but any one else who knows it free to put it underneath my description!
Scientist: what’s that in the distance?
Other scientist: oh it’s just builder bear.
Scientist: what about that one?
This is what you call the kid in the back of class who makes cat noises. Be careful, because if he starts to like you he will grab your leg!
That kid is such a bear atkinson
The Chicago Bear is when after receiving a Green Bay Packer from the bear variety of men; the recipient then finds a football field and just shits all over it. The shitting on the field may be figuratively or literally.
"Illinois football fans gather in a stadium to watch their local heroes perform The Chicago Bear. "