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Ear Rape

A section of a Youtube Poop that includes blasting the audio in a certain scene.

That last Youtube Poop's ear rape broke my left ear.

by Adolf Fishsticks May 16, 2016

Ear Rape

When you pass someone the aux and they play lifeav

Bro1: Can you please pass me the aux ?
Bro2: I swear to god if you play that lifeav ear rape I will end you right here.

by poopdiwoop January 6, 2021

Ear Rape

an earsplitting screech
for example, search swedish idol meme on youtube.
its so bad

when that one girl in the high-school class tried to sing, it was an ear rape.

by hey kids, wanna treeaaatt? March 4, 2021

ear rape

taylor swift = ear rape

*friend puts on taylor swift

me: omg turn that off it’s ear rape!

by chickenball6969 September 1, 2023

Ear Rape

Getting raped in the ear by a large cock (Preferably Black), or occasionally it is someone breathing into the microphone on a headset.

Dude 1: yo shut the fuck up your ear raping me!

Dude 2: what does my breath sound like when I breath in the mic!

Dude 1 is listening to dude 2 breathing into the my therefore getting ear raped

by Thick Nibba🍑🍑 October 11, 2019

Ear rape

Mason indick

Ear rape is mason Indick being restarted

by NyteGrynd7730 April 1, 2018

Statutory rape

The rape of someone under 16

I don't know she was 14 it's wasn't statutory rape

by 459395 February 28, 2022