Source Code

Abusement Park


Slang for trailer park.

Hey Bubba! 'member them times in our childhood abusement park?

by Mercurial_White_Collar June 20, 2009

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e - mail abuse

Officially, the misuse of employer provided e - mail.

Practically, something that you get accused of when your work want you to leave / block a promotion / sack people without paying redundancy costs etc.

Usually ends with being hit with the disciplinary hammer, generally with a view to sacking your ass.

Employee is called to a meeting and presented with a pile of e - mails.


We've audited your inbox and these e - mails are completely unacceptable and represent e - mail abuse and a breach of the Code of Conduct.

What did you mean when you wrote 'I'd smack that back door' when writing about my PA?

HR Manager:

Think carefully about your answer. Sexual Harrasment and non work usage of electronic media is a dismissable offence.


I was referring to her great ass and saying I'd like to show it love. I thought it was flattering.


That's not an appropriate way to behave in a disciplinary hearing.

HR Manager:

I refer you to your e - mail asking Joe if he had seen the murmur pants on display in Finance. What are murmur pants?


You should know. You told me.

HR Manager:

This isn't about me.


It's a tight pair of female pants that mean you can see the lips moving but you can't hear a sound.

Is there any point in continuing this discussion?

HR Manager & Manager


by HR_Advisory March 7, 2011

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wah wah abuser

the guitar pedal wah wah is a cool effect, however some players use it more than their amps! (*cough*Kirk Hammett*cough)

Kirk: thats a cool rhythm section!

James : thanks do a solo!

*Kirk is so focused on the wah-wah pedal that he forgets to use his left hand*

Lars: whatta wah wah abuser

by JKS45636 June 29, 2009

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Abused Puppy Syndrome

A condition where a person, who is typically picked on and made fun of, develops a deep crush on the first person who is nice to them. Named after the tendency for beaten dogs to follow around people who feed them. APS is characterized by:

-The writing of long love letters and notes, signing them as "Secret Admirer"
-The following of the nice person around the halls of your school, office building, or any other place where people assemble
-Excessive staring
-Writing the nice person's name over and over and over again
-Awkward smiling

Nice Person: I defended that nerdy girl in front of a couple football guys and now she keeps staring at the back of my head in Math!

Nice Person's friend: I told you not to get involved, now you've got a full-blown case of Abused Puppy Syndrome on your hands.

by hoboace October 6, 2007

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abuse your noodle


man1:while your girlfriend is gone are you gonna abuse your noodle?

by tomcon5 February 26, 2009

anal abuse

Completely destroying the ass with either a huge 17 inch dick or 2 fists and a foot.

Girl: Geez Timmy thats anal abuse
Timmy: No it's not, I only have 1 fist in you.

by DON'T RUB ME DADDY January 19, 2018

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Child to child abuse

When a child does abuse to another child

Ahhh mom Child to child abuse Max is hitting me with his bear

by Hashipoo the star February 5, 2018

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