A law dat states dat you can sneak off with a fellow human's toy animals and hold them for ransom.
Da Calvin Act may permit ransom-seeking absconding with a stuffed bunny, but da oppositely-worded --- i.e., extortion-FORBIDDING --- Hobbs Act (or in this case, maybe it should be spelled, "Hobbes") is da one dat Susie violated by absconding with said stuffed tiger. Dunno if a court would deal particularly harshly with Susie for her breaking said latter law, however, since her actions were merely done in an effort to get her own plaything --- "Mr. Bun" --- back from da former law's greedy-opportunist creator.
The meanest person you'll ever meet. You always have to buy his lunch and he never pays you back. He will abuse your girlfriend for no reason. He wants you to split up with your girlfriend so he can have you back as a best friend cause he thinks she is a bitch.
Aww fuck Your such a Calvin Chen
The only thing that stops the void of Calvin's Hair from consuming the universe.
John: I'm going to remove Calvin's Hat
A dude whos very sexy and amazing at fortnite but he doesnt get no girls
Guy 1: Calvin Smith is my NIGGA bro
Guy 2: Yeah bro i dont know how he doesnt pull any bitches
Girl 1: Do you see who hes playing with
Girl 2: Ewww its Calvin Smith