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Faux Gay

The Faux gay - is a gay man who may not only actually be straight as an arrow, but also may very well be gay.... but is terrible at being gay.

Frequently their gay card will be rejected by the high gay council (who aslo dictates gay man law and is directly correlated with the gay mafia through various insidious parties and fund raisers for disadvantaged children).

A Faux Gay is, but is not limited to, the following:

Not understanding the spandex amendment to the ten commandments (If thou art overweight, thou shalt not wear spandex - ever)

Not knowing what a daft punk helmet is

Buying a citronella candle (as opposed to the actual plant)

Claiming brown can be worn with black

Claiming black "goes with everything"

Wearing Hollister

Wearing synthetics when not in drag

Not knowing at least 3 of the Drag Queens in the area

Can't take a shot

Can't take a penis in the ass

Can't walk in 4+ inch heels

Can't walk in said heels with a full martini glass without spilling

Can't walk period

Doesn't understand that dish soap is NOT FOR SKIN CARE

Thinks the greatest designer ever is Calvin Klein (because it's the only one they've heard of)

Doesn't understand how to properly operate their limp wrist.

Complains constantly about the state of the LGBT "community"

Doesn't understand where common phrases come from.

Can't quote RuPaul verbatem

Fails to realize their clod-hopper shoes may be offense to the host/hostess's carpet

by JayGayFabulous July 10, 2009

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Faux Hawk

noun. A Mohawk inspired hair style where instead of shaving the hair on the sides of the head, the hair is gelled upwards to imitate a mohawk. A Faux Hawk is typically shorter than the normal Mohawk.

This style of hair is popular in the gino scene, and the douche-bag scene. But it has gained mainstream status, worn on people such as David Beckham.

People with small penises wear this hair style.

Girl 1:dayum, did you see that guy's faux hawk? He's soo sexii

Girl 2: He's alright. I don't like Faux hawks. Everyone knows that guys who wear faux hawks have small penises.

by christinan July 29, 2009

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To be fashionably poor.

Middle classes feigning poverty despite large ammounts of reserve cash i.e. ISA's, stocks and/or bonds in the vain attempt to follow a perceived fashion in poverty caused by the recent credit crunch.

Conspicuous consumption whilst pleading poverty.

Using the recent credit crunch as an excuse for not donating to charity or buying from doorstep salespeople.

Dining at "lesser" resteraunts proclaiming loudly how much you can only afford the cheaper menu items and how you won't be ordering a starter.

Typical faux-poor conversation
Waiter: "That will be a total of ยฃ240.73 for a meal for two sir, would you like like to a gratuity to your American Express Platinum Card?"

Faux-Poor reply: "...no I would not like to add a service tip to my credit card! can't you see I'm broke?"

by mickee1473 April 27, 2009

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Faux Funeral

A non traditional funeral-like ceremony or gathering in honor of someone who has passed away. Usually serves as an alternative to a funeral when one is not desired. It is a celebration of the life of a particular individual held by the loved ones they left behind.

Johnny didn't believe in funerals so we had a faux funeral Saturday afternoon.

by PeaseyGrl February 12, 2011

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Faux Pas

Something some cunt says because they have a superiority complex that involves the complete and utter fucking inability to speak like a normal goddamn human being. The word literally means mistake. That's it. That's all it means. Say mistake, error, fuck up, anything... please. Cunt.

Oh Reginald, I do say, the ball you have thrown in your extraaaavagaaant abode is quite suiting, although I must proclaim, the curtains are definitely a Faux Pas. I apologize for my adamant mouth flatulence, and by apologize, I mean sorry not sorry. For I am better than you, and my choice of drapery would have more beige than your hideous plain Faux Pas white.

by LaserSharkSushi September 11, 2018

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Faux Fag

Faux Fag: false homosexual; derogatory term for Bisexual

That guy over there is such a faux fag, he claims he's bi.

by Diva VonTease February 26, 2006

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faux bro

A term developed by Callie Rice to describe non-dank bros who dress up as bros and bro hoes to take a picture, or laugh. These people do not really DGAF (Don't give a Fuck), but enjoy mocking the people in their community that are ignorant enough to.

"Last night my best friend and I wrote DGAF on our knuckles, put on SRH shirts, lots of eyeliner and bronzer to faux bro for our picture"

by CallieRiz December 23, 2007

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