your girl best friend will always be there for you when you need her or don’t. she is something that you don’t ever want to lose. she’s trustworthy and honest. she’ll cuddle you like a big brother or hold you like a younger brother. no matter what you did, she’ll be there to text you goodnight or good morning. she will love you and cherish you even if you don’t know it.
“you are my girl best friend and i thank you for always being there for me.”
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When a woman decides to make a guy his best friend under one of these circumstances.
1. The guy likes her and she doesnt want to hurt his feelings. So she makes him her best friend as an effort to keep him from trying to sleep with her.
2. The woman and the dude are casual sex buddies.
Note: this only applies if the two are not actualy best friends.
Best Friend Paradox Version 1
Dude: I love you.
Chick: Awwww I love you too. You're my best friend.
Dude: Damn.
Version 2
Chick 2: Hey best friend. What are you doing tonight?
Dude 2: You.
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A level above best friends. Your willing to do anything for this friend. No matter how humiliating or painful the task, if its to help them out then you will.
Kyle: Stan your my super best friend.
Stan: Your my super best friend too Kyle.
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The act of being "best friends" with someone of the opposite gender and having a romantic relationship without actually making a commitment to one another.
Sort of like "sex buddies" for middle schoolers. Or a "one night stand" for an extended period of time.
Friend of one of the two peoples involved- "Hey are you two dating?"
Both- "No, we're just best friends with benefits."
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The celebration of your friendship with your best friend.
May 18th is Kay and Amber's best friend-aversary.
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When one has only one friend and must rank them as their best friend due to the fact that there are no runners up.
Person 1: Hey man who is your best friend?
Person 2: Bob; he's my best friend by default.
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A holy group consisting of relgious figures. Includeing Jesus, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Krishna, Sea Man, Bhudda, Moses, and Lao Zi. In a southpark episode they unite against the cult of David Blaine which actually alludes to Scientology.
Some believe that the super best friends also have super epic mounts:
Jesus: Unicorn
Mohammed: Twelve Teeted Camel
Joseph Smith: A Sly Fox
Krishna: An Elephant
Bhuda: Panda
Moses: Serpeant
Lao Zi: Chines Dragon
Sea Man: Sea Horse
Super Best Friends UNITE!
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