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Kyle Connelly

Poof men that Kyle is one

by Pooop000 April 16, 2020


A genuine dickhead

That boy is a mad poof

by Ya boi angus December 2, 2018


1. (adj.) the meaning of poof is poof
2. anything you want it to be depending on context
3. synonym of slay but can be used derogatory

“that’s so poof”
omg poof”

by bertha420 September 9, 2022


1. (adj.) the meaning of poof is poof
2. can be whatever you want but varies on context
3. synonym to slay but can be used derogatory

“that’s so poof”
omg poof”
wtf why are u being poof”

by bertha420 September 9, 2022


Someone who unsends messages on Instagram

Fergus Williams is a massive poof

by Jejejfbrndkkfkf May 12, 2019


The act in which a woman gets her lovehandles transferred to her breasts for implants.

Yeah, she totally got the slurp-poof... and it looks GREAT.

by omiftw August 7, 2010

Pussy Poof

A dusty queef

A Pussy Poof is a Queef from a 20 year untouched vagina

by Mandrax December 28, 2019