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Chinese Pride

Nothing. Chinese people have no pride. They will do anything for money, thus rendering themselves pride-less.

Jack: Hey, suck mah fishsticks!
China: No! Meybe foh Three Dollah!
Jack: ... How about three cents?
Jack: Dude... don't you have any Chinese Pride?
China: What dat?

by Mao_Zedong December 26, 2009

19πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

brown pride

being proud that you are South east asian. Middle Eastern. Native American. You can't say brown pride just because your parents were born in mexico because a lot of people in mexico are european or white. So in order to say brown pride you have to be native american like aztec chumash cheeroke mayan or incan.

Brown pride is something people who speak spanish say and a lot of them are not brown.

by alexxc June 27, 2007

53πŸ‘ 359πŸ‘Ž

Canadian Pride

The having of all or most STD's at once.

Man, that Fuck Skull'll get you some Canadian Pride if you aint careful son!

by Ameran1 October 12, 2010

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

black pride

dark chocolate

Black pride is better for you than white love...especially for your heart.

by Carlthegiraffe February 1, 2010

13πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

Happy Pride

Happy Pride is a term used to denote Gay Pride festivities β€” that thing where you Party and Play all day until you die of dehydration and loneliness.

It has everything: catfishing, incurable AIDS, motor oil handy-j's, non-consensual penetration and Bic Lighters.

Happy Pride.
Bye, Fuckers.

by TheOnlyGian June 19, 2023

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

pride hand

The hand in which one uses to cover his/her genitalia when caught naked

Mark utilized his pride hand when Sally ripped off his towel, exposing his abnormally small penis

by coolgreek August 11, 2011

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pride Month

That month of the year where normal people are supposed to bow down to the LGBTIAPMNVCOUYRE community or be gaslighted and called a homophobe

β€œYou support pride month?”
β€œHell no”
β€œEww you’re so fucking homophobic
β€œOk my guy…”
β€œIt is ma’am!!!”

by PyroSabr July 4, 2022

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž