And orgy, but not with the goal of simply pleasing yourself. But of spreading diseases within a community.
Yeah dude Chris got HIV during the Roman shag we told him not to go!
When you're having vaginal sex and you quickly and swiftly stick your entire length of your penis into her ass and use all the force in your body to piss inside her
I gave Jessica a Roman Firecracker last night. I've never seen her make a face like that before
A hotdog, cheese and a tortilla made into a meal. This delicacy hails from pre-gentrified North Denver.
“What do we have to make for dinner?”
“Not shit, homie. We making Roman Specials tonight.”
A sexual act in which five guys fuck a girl who is pretending to be a statue. It got its name from people misinterpreting ancient Roman paintings and sculptures.
Guy: You ever had a train ran on you?
Girl: Bitch, please, I've done more Roman Specials than I can count!
The sex act of using your testicles as a grip, and the erect penis as a mace and using the cum as blood. the man swirls his penis on the girl's chest.
" yo I just did the roman mace on my girl she said she was beat when we were done!"
When one has sex with their partner for 6 hours while lifting weights and/or being intoxicated
Alex: Dude Evan is looking jacked! What's his secret?
Charlie: He and his girlfriend love having Roman Days! They do them all the time!
The title awarded to only the most fierce, and consistent attacker in Clash Of Clans. To hold the name Roman Power it is said that you must be able to 3 star any base, despite a significant town hall advantage.
Did you see that guy's attack? Had to be Roman Power to pull that off!