Source Code

The Spicy Nasal Shooter

Drinking 3 bottles of hot sauce, then proceeding to have a shit inside of some ones mouth, then to skull fuck them until spicy cummy shit comes out of their nostrils.

"Me and the missus tried the spicy nasal shooter last night, it's a good job she she loves it spicy"

by BigFiddleFinch November 6, 2019

First Person Shooter

A crappy genre of games popularized by American gamerz. These games existed in the form of classic 3D psuedo shooters like Castle Wolfenstien 3D and Doom. The genre turned into a pile of shit after it got bombared by World War II shooters and of course the ever popular Call of Duty.

Halo recieves honorable mentions

Xbawks owner: Do you wanna play some halo we can become LEET since its a First Person Shooter and we are american we HAVE to play it!!
Guy who plays more than just shooters: Nah lets get down with some Monster Hunter.
Xbawks owner: is that a shooter?
Guy who plays more than just shooters:.....get the fuck out

Shooters are the only reason the Xbox 360 sells well in the U.S.

by Gamer0079 May 26, 2010

83πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

carolina cooter shooter

When you get your girl so close you can slide your cowboy hat down her clit like a Visa card and make her shoot like a 12 gauge

I gave my girl the ole Carolina cooter shooter last night and I still can’t get the stains out of my cowboy hat

by Ole Porkchop July 2, 2020

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fair Way to the Shooter

A toilet that is a lengthy distance away from the origin. A term used only when one has had too many alcoholic beverages causing the distance to seem more lengthy than it actual is.
Only for use by a fair-dinkum Aussie who is so smashed that he cannot see the urinal he has just fallon onto. Asked to a complete stranger that the fair-dinkum Aussie has never seen before or will see ever again.

Ay mate, it's a fair way to the shooter innit?
That shazza goes fukin 'ard 'ay I hear; I wanna shag her but its a fair way to the shooter, I don't think I can make it.

by Kent Kentish December 20, 2004

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Boston bean shooter

When a girl is having a baby and she takes a huge dump

Smiefs mom had a boston bean shooter when he was born.

by O'Doyle November 7, 2004

34πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

jizz-o shooters

Just like jell-o shooters but you replace the jell-o with jizz

those were some good jizz-o shooters at your party

by DJ Ethos October 22, 2006

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Snooters n' Shooters

Snooters n' Shooters is a combination of doing shots of strong liquor and doing lines of either cocaine or caffeine (see coffee snooters). Gets you fucked up like no other.

We were doing snooters n' shooters at Jeffy's house last night. When we were too fucked up to take anymore, we played Madden.

by Wojo211 September 11, 2005

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž