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Golden Gamerz

Golden Gamerz / Golden Gamerz are those who have be gamerz a very long time.
When you play Gamez long enough you become Golden at your Gamez.

As a Golden Gamerz you might say... Man i played Gamez so long i have become old olden and Golden.

by [GG]sm0ke! June 28, 2007

18👍 2👎

Real kingz gamerz

The best and strongest team in Critical OPS Asia led by a pinoy. It's kind of an insult to use it in a sentence against any other team. uptheW4KE

Legit I would ace the round like I'm from Real kingz gamerz.

by memeravel September 13, 2020

2👍 1👎


a random chat mod in xgdps who codes and like gaym 11 for some reason.

he is also very epic

You are very gamerz.

by totally not gamerz June 17, 2021

OG gamerz

people who think they know everything about gaming

omg they are sutch OG gamerz

by ItZyOmAmA December 8, 2020