Being completely, 100% erect whilst having a cork in ones asshole.
Dave: Bobby was corked and torqued for Meghan the last time they fucked.
Jenny: What does that mean?
Dave: He had a boner and a cork in his ass.
The act of closing off your cornhole with a cork in fear of a butt pirate pillaging your cornhole. It results in causing you to walk like something is stuck up your butt. It can be mistaken for a pole.
I think that guys been corking, he's walking funny.
A subcategory of ero guro where you make a hole in someone's skin and then fill it in with a cork or similar object.
You think you are a degenerate? I'm into corking!
Smushing ones soft penis into the neck of a bottle, getting hard, masterbating, and then yanking the bottle off to make a cork sound and spraying ejaculate I’m a fast pressurized stream.
I was corking and when I yanked the empty champagne bottle off my dick, it sprayed like an elephant taking a bath in an oasis.
When during anal sex your partner begins to defecate and you plug or "cork" their anus with your penis to stop the flow of feces.
"I was with this girl last night and I didn't expect it to become a corking session."
A play on cork stopper. A type of poop that feels hard but is followed by a fast stream of diarrhea that was previously held in place.
"Dude I thought I had a no wiper on my hands, but it was a cork plopper and I ended up using half a roll."
"I could never squeeze out a Cleveland Steamer, I'm too scared it'll be a cork plopper and I'd drown someone."
Where a man places his penis into his partner and ejaculates inside, not pulling out letting the semen ferment inside the to ensure that his partner will become pregnant.
Ie: Jacob was making love to Elizabeth and told her he was going to be corking it tonight, so they can have a child.