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a very common name for small people

dude, erik is short

by SavageBoi12345 August 16, 2017


Fuck you. Eat shit.

Person: hey erik.
Erik: fuck you.
Person: woah, that's rude.
Erik: eat shit

by Eh/rick November 24, 2021


To have a tiny peen

Did your hear about Erik and his tiny peen

by Bigpeen765 June 15, 2022


Erik the type of boy you randomly meet and fall in love with you talk to him once and it’s like gum on shoe he is always with you but you don’t mind he is the type of boy that knows how to treat a girl he is the type of boy that knows how it’s like for girls he’s the type to hang out with you and only you no matter who hates him he will defend you if someone talks shit he will always be there .

Have you seen erik?



by Papichuloguapo February 2, 2022


This is a person who ligma balls
Or sucks pussy

Erik always sucks pussy or ligma balls

by mksy January 9, 2023


He is the most wonderful man you will every meet. He is so pretty and has a heart of gold. But be careful, because he’s sexy and you won’t be the only girl wanting him.
A secret that he will never tell anyone is, that he can be emotional too.

Girl1: Who’s that good looking guy?
Girl2: Oh, that’s Erik. If you want him you need to be quick otherwise he will have another chick.

by ziemlich heiß January 12, 2022


He thinks he is Houdini and people think he is funny for saying that. But he is acctually serious

Houdini is a magician. He is Erik's god

by Gripen E May 31, 2018