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Fried Art

When a fried piece of food clams fish, ect, resembles a person, place, or thing.

Dude, I was eating some fried clams at my moms house and I swear one of the fried art looked just like my ex girlfriend's vagina!

by currybomb July 29, 2010

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when you are so baked you pass out as if your going into a coma.

Jonathan- Dude. How stoned are you?
Chris- I'm coma-fried man...

by Jonny Blazzzze October 17, 2008

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twisty fried

To get absolutely locko

Omg I was absolutely twisty fried last night.

by Linglinglit April 27, 2018

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fried baloney

an ugly looking pussy, usually with lips that are floppy and dark at the edges, appearing like baloney after it has been pan fried, a childhood delicasey.

Damn, I'll bet Cher has some nasty fried baloney down there.

by jim's friend November 2, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fried egg

Also know as 'Ian's fried egg model'. This is the act of having a poo in someone else's toilet. Use exessive toilet roll to fill the toilet before having the poo, this is known as the 'base' on which the poo will lie. The poo itself then becomes the egg yoke. the paper used to wipe should then be carefully placed aroung the poo, as this resembles the egg white

I just did a massive fried egg in Aramis' room

by winnet94 October 14, 2011

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boardwalk fries

a term describing the scrotum after a combination of sweat and lack of bathing causes it to emit the odor of potatoes and vinegar

After walking an entire 18 holes of golf, Tommy was cooking up some serious boardwalk fries.

by teekay5601 July 21, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Disco Fries

Originated in Canada but perfected in New Jersey this combination of brown gravy, mozzarella cheese and HOT crispy steak fries is the perfect end to a late night of binge drinking. Personally the best places to get them are Six Brothers or Tick Tock, but occasionally some random spot'll have em too. Oh and eat them with a large root beer on the side, nothing like it!

Damn, I need some disco fries other wise I'm gonna have a crazy hang over in the morning.

by DiscoFryGirl November 26, 2007

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